Sustainability Development

Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. views sustainability as an essential part of doing business and bases its operations accordingly. We are able to connect our company with the host government’s goal of fostering the nation’s sustainable growth while utilizing its natural resources thanks to our collaboration with the authorities.

The following pillars form the foundation of Adzhip Karachaganak B.V.’s sustainability efforts:

  • world-class health, safety and environmental practices,
  • robust corporate governance principles,
  • best available technologies,
  • enhanced local content in staff, goods, works and services, and
  • continued investment in social infrastructure and support of West Kazakhstan’s regional economy.
  • The Sustainability Charter of Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. outlines our goals for sustainable development. We assess our own performance using the standards established by our Sustainable Development Charter in honor of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

    We update our stakeholders on our future development projects and operational accomplishments through our annual Sustainability Reports, which have long since evolved into the Venture’s primary communication tool. Additionally, we provide our readers with a brief overview of Adzhip Karachaganak B.V.’s performance in relation to the sustainability targets in the areas of supply chain value addition, social performance, and environmental management.

    The 15th consecutive report is the Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. Sustainability Report 2022. The GRI Standards and the Oil and Gas Sector GRI Standards of 2021 have been followed in the release of this publication. Since the initial release, Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. sustainable reporting has advanced significantly:

  • The first business in Kazakhstan to provide an independently certified sustainability report in compliance with global standards was Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. in 2009.
  • Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. was the first company in the nation to release the Sustainability Report in 2014, following the most recent Guideline 4 of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4).
  • Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. was chosen as a finalist in the categories of “Best Workplace Reporting” and “Best Environmental Reporting” for the Asian Sustainability Reporting Awards (ASRA) 2018.
  • National recognition has been given to our reports for the years 2011, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 in the annual contents and ratings of the Rating Agency “Expert RA Kazakhstan” (RAEX). Adzhip Karachaganak B.V. has been consistently ranked by PwC Qazaqstan in the top ten non-financial corporations for ESG information disclosure since 2019.